
I got the POWER!!!

…and the inspiration! Yes, this writer has been on hiatus for a while, dealing with the film project on New Wings while finishing up the sequel to it so that our screenwriter/s have plenty of content whether they want to turn it into a series or a feature film (both are on the table). But as we know, the film industry is at a lull, so I’ve been working furiously on the sequel to NEW WINGS which is entitled BROKEN WINGS, so its ready when Brian Bird (Believe Pictures) is ready to complete writing the screenplay. I’ve also published a couple of non-fiction books in the meantime AND started three new manuscripts. One is fiction–not part of the Guaradian Chronicles– but its another fantasy fiction I’ve been working on for over 10 years! And I’ve been blogging more–which I’m enjoying so much more while doing it in my ‘day job’ because I love including STORY in everything I do! Having just returned from my yearly trek to Montrose Bible Conference to relax, enjoy, and get inspired, I’m re-invigorated in my writing career and writing like CRAZY!!! We need lots of good “escape”/fantasy novels in the midst of this Covid-laced world, and trust me, I love a good “weird” novel myself–so as I always tell other authors, “Write the book YOU always wanted to read.” Well, I’m doing just that, as I did with New Wings. Stay safe everyone, stay kind, and stay focused on the ONE who is on the throne, and give no room to the enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy.


  1. It’s really a great piece of information.

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